Learn to Powerlift

Powerlifting for beginners in Limerick

Start Powerlifting

It’s no secret. Powerlifting is gaining momentum.

Whether it’s someones first time in a gym and they’re choosing powerlifting as their starting point. Or it could be someone making the swap from standard training in a commercial gym or a different sport to the world of powerlifting.

Either way, we are here to help those beginning powerlifting for the first time in CityGym Limerick!

What is Powerlifting

This is probably the first thing that most people ask.

Powerlifting is a sport where you compete in squat, bench and deadlift, in that order. You have 9 attempts overall, 3 squat, 3 bench and 3 deadlift to create your biggest total. Your total is the 3 largest successful lifts of the day combined.

In a nutshell, this is the sport of powerlifting.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can anyone powerlift - Yes.

  • Do you have to be strong or have a certain level of strength to start - No. You can join any time and there is no level of strength needed to join.

  • Do you have to compete - Yes and no. We have a large amount of those that compete and a similar amount that do not compete. We would encourage everyone to compete but it’s not a necessity.

  • Is powerlifting suitable for beginners - Yes. If you have no experience in a gym or a little bit, please fill out the form at the end of this page. If you are lifting a year or more please head over to our normal gym/ coaching page HERE.

  • Why do people choose powerlifting - This is something we could write multiple articles on, but to keep a long story short here’s the take home points.

    • It provides an alternative to most commercial facilities and most typical and popularised training styles. TRX, kettlebells, yoga etc, these are all great but they’re not for everyone. For those looking for something new, powerlifting is often an exciting transition.

    • It gives someone something else to chase other than body shape. Chasing numbers on a bar is addictive and fun. The byproduct is that most people get in shape because of this, but it’s not the main goal.

    • It provides a challenge and one that is ongoing. People can keep their “4 week shreds”, we are pursuing something for the long term.

    • The community of powerlifting is really like no other. Getting to know people in the gym and around the country through the sport of powerlifting is amazing.

  • What does CityGym do - Great question. CityGym provides a gym with powerlifting specific equipment, the coaching, advice and experience of actual powerlifting coaches, along with an unbeatable atmosphere for excellent powerlifting training. This is what we do best and we love sharing it everyone.

Who is this For

You are in the right place if you:

  • Are a complete beginner and like the idea of powerlifting.

  • If you have some experience in the gym but want to make the change to powerlifting.

  • If you have considered powerlifting and need a friendly environment to start.

  • Want something new to focus on in the gym.

  • Please note if you are training over one year, we recommend you join the gym/ coaching normally HERE.